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Fantasy a Sci-fi
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Lord of the Rings: The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring
The Art of
the Fellowship
of the Ring

500 obrázků z filmu
955 Kč

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Flight of the dragon
With wings in fire
Across the diagon
In coldest desire
He fly to kill
Fulfil the will
His master ordered
No one will survive
Until the prophecy is done

The clouds were dark,
The blade as sharp,
He drove his dragon
Very hard.

Over fields and to the mountain
Where the dwarfs had built their fountains
Of pure gold and diamonds dust
But now their mines are left to rust.

His target is so far
The traitor is scared
Dragon flies too fast
To the end of this fake.
He hoped,
He loved,
But now
He want to kill.
Scream of pain
Resonate to hell.
He won't fail.

In a cave he found his foe
The king of death and evil souls
Who long ago did steal his pride
Without a word, or yell did start the fight.

Dragon belch out fire
Betrayer hide behind shield
From there he stab with sword
But dragon fluently get out.
Wave of wings
Various things
Though opponent still stand
with sword in his hand.

He stood still, his sword in hand
His knees refused to move or bend
A deadly spell restrained his body
In despair he tried to fight it
But the Death king's mind was way too strong
Could it be? Could the prophecy be wrong?

It can't!
Only if... SHE LIED!
The voice thunders
Dragon shaked and yelled
His scales turned pale
Hope get into enemy
Hope rise his sword
He know he could win.

Gathering his strenght and mind
He found the will reserved to his kin
And while the Black king's sword went high
He cast a spell to kill and die.

The prophecy was right, but still
It never said that he should live
Since his revenge did turn him rotten
May his name, not his deeds, be forgotten.

E-mail: staurovsky@extel.sk
URL: http://sabe.blog.sk
Vloženo: 18:48:35  04. 12. 2005

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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Jeremiho Čítárna
© Jirka Wetter, jeremius@fantasy-scifi.net
, 2000 - 2005
Design: Rinvit, Jeremius
URL: http://fantasy-scifi.net/citarna/

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