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Fantasy a Sci-fi
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Lord of the Rings: The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring
The Art of
the Fellowship
of the Ring

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955 Kč

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When you die


Drops on the window
your fingers wipe them down
remains of rainbow
this day now lost its crown
crown of the colours
things now are covered by grey cloud
and crimson flowers
blooming in silent crowd

Crowd of the sleeping
lying in dark earth somewhere deep
in voice of weeping
doom to your ears trying to creep
but you are deaf
and your eyes now are blind
when you'll see death
this lady fair and kind


Walk through this dream
rising in hall of shade
dark water stream
touch it and you begin to fade
to gloomy lake
where hidden are the relic bones
you cannot wake
lay buried under heavy stones

Look to her face
follow her to eternal land
to final place
your body turns into soft sand
so catch her hand
go with her and you’ll be safe
and we still stand
to lay a flower on your grave

E-mail: galadgalad@seznam.cz
Vloženo: 15:59:20  11. 04. 2006

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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Jeremiho Čítárna
© Jirka Wetter, jeremius@fantasy-scifi.net
, 2000 - 2005
Design: Rinvit, Jeremius
URL: http://fantasy-scifi.net/citarna/

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