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Fantasy a Sci-fi
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Lord of the Rings: The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring
The Art of
the Fellowship
of the Ring

500 obrázků z filmu
955 Kč

JRR Tolkien: Nejčtenější články
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Encyklopedie světa J.R.R. Tolkiena

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The Last Elf

I am sure I am the last living elf in the Kingdom. Many of us were killed during the centuries of War. Others were captured and tortured by the Occupants, when they finally gained the ruling power in the Kingdom. Few elves escaped and died alone hiding in some dirty hole paralysed with fear of the Occupants. And then there were those who betrayed their nation for a piece of bread or just the right to stay alive.
How I hated the Occupants! They had destroyed all beauty and love in the Kingdom. They had never believed in Mother Nature and they were making fun of Her. They were so vicious that they hated even their creator.
As elves were vanishing one by one each day, I started to be extremely suspicious and cautious. Even though I was sure I left no footprints when I was outside, I knew that the Occupants knew that I was somewhere there, in the Forest. And they were searching for me. They had combed through the whole Forest and they have not found me. Not yet. But I knew that one day they would come and that it would be my last day.
I was not waiting long for that day to come.
It happened after the Occupants had razed the nearest village. Poor villagers were all taken slaves to work in iron mines far away. I saw it from close shrubs. I knew that they would never return to their village. Tears flew down my cheeks as I watched a young mother protecting her little children. She begged soldiers not to take the kids away from her. They ignored her and began to divide them. When she kept begging, one of the soldiers drew his sword and... I could not look any more.

I spent a couple of hours lying in the shrubs and crying over the miserable destiny of the Kingdom. Why Mother Nature allowed such cruelty upon her beloved nation ? Why did She not come yet and saved us ?
When I finally got out of there, it was almost night. I set off a journey home but after a few steps I saw someone in front of me. I wanted to crawl by unnoticedly but the Occupants saw me.
They were five and I was alone. They had bows. I had nothing but me.
I felt no pain when the first arrow broke into my body. I did not know how many arrows there were. As my soul began to fly out of my body I felt strangely relaxed. I was happy because I suddenly realized that Mother Nature was awaiting me. I knew that all my sufferings here in the Kingdom were over and only peaceful rest was in front of me.
E-mail: eyrian@centrum.sk
Vloženo: 15:54:46  31. 10. 2007

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