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Fantasy a Sci-fi
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Tip Obchůdku
Lord of the Rings: The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring
The Art of
the Fellowship
of the Ring

500 obrázků z filmu
955 Kč

JRR Tolkien: Nejčtenější články
Opravdu zajímavé perličky o filmech...
Ukázka na 4DVD verzi Společenstva p...
Aktualizace of. stránek filmu
Křížíkova fontána - Projekce "Pán P...
Encyklopedie světa J.R.R. Tolkiena

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New Line Cinema
Nové články na peoples.cz

Running away

Running away

Silly me though I could run away from you
But you found me, even up here…
I wanted to shake you off of my back
But your claws are too sharp, you are holding on.

You were cunning, hiding for a while
So I got the feeling that I was freed from you
And I got my life force back
And was happy and loved
I felt fulfilled, I felt joy
I was crying from the happiness

While you waited…

Waited for today, out of all days,
Waited for the perfect moment
For me being unprepared
To suck my life away… Once again…

You struck me as a lightning,
My knees just couldn't hold me anymore
So here I am, lying curled up on the floor…
Fighting for the breath
Fighting for the strength
Fighting for the purpose
Fighting for the happy
All of which you took away… Once again…

E-mail: taya@email.cz
Vloženo: 02:48:04  12. 05. 2012

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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Jeremiho Čítárna
© Jirka Wetter, jeremius@fantasy-scifi.net
, 2000 - 2005
Design: Rinvit, Jeremius
URL: http://fantasy-scifi.net/citarna/

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