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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Taverna neboli Diskuzní fóra: Zbrane, boje, bojovnici...
25. 04. 2024

Zbrane, boje, bojovnici...
Toto je prostor vyhrazeny vsem, kteri se, at ve svete fantasie nebo realnem, zajimaji o zbrane jakekoliv doby, o to, jakym stylem se s nimi bojovalo i jake bitvy s nimi byly vybojovany...
LEX - sdruzeni na ochranu prav majitelu zbrani http://www.gunlex.cz/
-diskusni server (nejen) o zbranich a strelbe

SHŠ Revertar - dlouhý meč ve zbroji i beze zbroje, dýky:
Škola In des - tesák, dýka, zápas:
Trnavský šermiarký cech o zápase v díře a dlouhém meči:

Místnost má od 13:35:16  01. 03. 2002 pronajatou Lesi

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Nimitz, vloženo 22:34:43  12. 12. 2016

Google mi napovídá, že by to měla být zbraň, kterou používal na démony Keanu Reeves ve filmu Constantine, ale ten už si moc nepamatuji, viděl jsem ho jen jeden a půlkrát a to ještě před mnoha lety

Nimitz, vloženo 22:30:29  12. 12. 2016

Nerion: to bude nějaká steampunková hračka

Nerion, vloženo 22:20:35  12. 12. 2016

Co to je zač, ten dovný revolvero kus níže? Zbraň proti upírům s vrchní kadidelnicí?

Nimitz, vloženo 18:21:47  11. 12. 2016

2,500-Year-Old Chinese Sword Still Looks and Cuts Like New

Nimitz, vloženo 22:43:53  08. 12. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 20:45:06  05. 12. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 20:38:37  25. 11. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 20:30:53  13. 11. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 22:27:18  01. 11. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 18:56:03  30. 10. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 11:22:06  27. 10. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 21:01:54  25. 10. 2016

Portrait of a young Soviet prisoner of war in a steel breastplate SN-42, made of 2mm steel (.08″) and weighing 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs), captured by Finnish troops during the Finnish-Soviet Continuation War. A testament to the breastplate’s effectiveness, the young soldier had been shot three times in the chest and left unharmed. Image taken near Syskyjärvi, Karelia, Finland (now, Syuskyuyarvi, Republic of Karelia, Russia), July 15, 1944. SN-42 (Russian: Stalnoi Nagrudnik – Steel bib) is a type of body armor developed by the Red Army in World War II. The native Cyrillic abbreviation for the vest was “СН”. It consisted of two pressed steel plates that protected the front torso and groin. Bib SN-42 was designed to protect against bayonet attacks, small fragments of shrapnel, and 9mm pistol bullets with lead cores, providing protection against fire from a MP-38/40 submachine gun from distances of 100–150m, and a single shot from a 7.92×57mm Mauser rifle (like the Gewehr 41), but on the condition that the bullet went on a tangent. Following the adoption of the Wehrmacht on the supply of 9mm cartridges, the cartridge code R.08 mE (German: mit Eisen Kern), with a bullet with mild steel (iron) core, required the thickness to be increased to 2.6 mm for the chest plate (2.5 – 2.7 mm). This redesign received the name SN-46. Estimates of the plates’ performance from front-line soldiers were mixed, receiving both positive and negative feedback. Unit commanders and soldiers said that the breastplate worked well in street fighting and other type of close quarter combat, and in addition to the steel helmet, was a good and reliable method of protection from bayonets, bullets, and shrapnel. It is also necessary to point out the morale value of the breastplate. Soldiers equipped with the breastplates that had experienced their reliability went into battle calmly and assuredly. However, in the field where assault teams often had to crawl the breastplates were just an unnecessary burden.

Nimitz, vloženo 20:31:07  23. 10. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 20:24:03  17. 10. 2016

Small Dagger

Dated: 19th century
Culture: Russian
Measurements: overall lenght 30cm

The dagger features a straight, double-edged blade with a central groove and golden decorations. The steel hilt is decorated en suite, the white horn grip having oblique, golden staves. The steel scabbard is also decorated en suite.

Nimitz, vloženo 22:05:11  28. 09. 2016

Hermann Göring’s Luger pistol

Nimitz, vloženo 22:04:06  20. 09. 2016

jak se ubránit napadení mečem

Nimitz, vloženo 20:49:49  11. 09. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 22:22:59  04. 09. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 22:21:52  22. 08. 2016

Nimitz, vloženo 22:14:42  14. 08. 2016

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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Taverna
© Jirka Wetter, jeremius@fantasy-scifi.net
, 2001 - 2005
Design: Rinvit, Jeremius
Na textech se podíleli Pavel Džuban a Toomz
URL: http://fantasy-scifi.net/taverna/taverna.php