22. 11. 2024

English breakfast

Místnost má od 14:03:18  24. 08. 2002 pronajatou toomz

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Aditu, vloženo 07:38:16  14. 07. 2016

An now Boris has become the foreign secretary :D

Spider, vloženo 00:14:16  14. 07. 2016

if you only knew how upsetting this F Farage is...together with Boris! :(

I am so tired of it :(

hello CANADA!

Ginny, vloženo 23:58:36  12. 07. 2016

Chm, když dělám stejné chyby jako rodilí mluvčí, je to dobře nebo špatně? :-)

Nimdrit, vloženo 10:19:28  10. 07. 2016

testy dobrý, to farage to vystihuje

Nimitz, vloženo 09:54:20  09. 07. 2016

Tyhle výrazy se Čechům v angličtině pletou. Zkuste si test

Fionor, vloženo 20:23:35  07. 07. 2016

Fionor, vloženo 11:42:48  04. 04. 2016

Congregation of alligators.
Destruction of cats.
Intrusion of cockroaches.
Murder of crows.
Convocation of eagles.
Flamboyance of flamingos.
Business of flies.
Pride of lions.
Company of moles (I want spy movie about this!)
Watch of nightingales.
Pandemonium of parrots.
Parliament of owls.
Unkindness of ravens.
Ambush of tigers.
Gang of turkeys. (Gang of Turkeys?)


Iwo Olorin, vloženo 09:19:24  22. 12. 2015

verlit, vloženo 20:05:19  21. 12. 2015

verlit, vloženo 17:29:14  04. 12. 2015

Shame this is only in English, since I just LOVE the descriptions :-) Felt them all. Almost.

Dara, vloženo 11:38:05  22. 11. 2015

so, if you use it on halloween, its pumpkin. If its other it's squash? (picture of "butter" pumpkin was with it)

verlit, vloženo 22:27:02  21. 11. 2015

A pumpkin is a type of squash.

Dara, vloženo 21:57:32  21. 11. 2015

I just learned, then pumpkin and squash are one thing, but there can be difference.
Can someone tell me when? (simply way)

Genevieve, vloženo 00:01:12  12. 10. 2015

Many doorknobs, buildings and tools are older than America :-)

this is awesome :-)

Nimitz, vloženo 21:53:48  10. 10. 2015

Orki, vloženo 11:25:27  10. 10. 2015

Infographics :)

verlit, vloženo 12:00:04  04. 10. 2015

Pár vtípků, které pochopí jen ti, kdo pletou a háčkují :-)

1. What happened to the cat who ate a ball of yarn?
She had mittens.

2. What do you call an unmarried stitch?
A single crochet.

3. What kind of needlework is always angry?
Cross stitch.

4. Why could a knitter never be Prime Minister?
Because she would keep too much yarn in her cabinet.

5. What are the steps of learning to crochet?
It's a chain of events.

6. What do you get if you put a sheep on a trampoline?
A woolly jumper.

7. Why are Christmas trees so bad at knitting?
They always drop their needles.

Spider, vloženo 09:06:38  15. 09. 2015

Haha funny

Mellor, vloženo 23:06:00  14. 09. 2015

Do you know the difference between a hippo and a zippo?
One is very heavy and one is a little lighter.

Nimitz, vloženo 07:25:11  12. 09. 2015

Can you guess the meaning of these British idioms? [QUIZ]

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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Taverna
© Jirka Wetter, jeremius@fantasy-scifi.net
, 2001 - 2005
Design: Rinvit, Jeremius
Na textech se podíleli Pavel Džuban a Toomz
URL: http://fantasy-scifi.net/taverna/taverna.php