22. 11. 2024

English breakfast

Místnost má od 14:03:18  24. 08. 2002 pronajatou toomz

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verlit, vloženo 23:30:29  06. 01. 2015

Arcticwolf11, vloženo 11:12:25  20. 12. 2014

Our teacher was asking where is stress in word happy my schoolmate replied: There is no stress in word happy.

Neros, vloženo 09:12:38  16. 10. 2014

I just found, that "Holy threesome" is not the same as "Trinity."

Nimitz, vloženo 21:02:50  02. 10. 2014

Kroc, vloženo 20:35:37  29. 09. 2014

Good one :-D

Corfe, vloženo 13:35:25  26. 09. 2014

Onehdá jsem seděl v kanclu s dvěma Indy, ticho rušilo jen klepání rukou do klávesnic. Pak jsem vyskočil na nohy a hlasitě tleskl. Indové povyskočili úlekem.

Ind 1: "Mosquito?"
Já: "Yeah.."
Ind 2: "Thank you! One mosquito just bit me."
Podíval jsem se na svou ruku s rozplácnutým komárem.
Já: "Aww, blood!"
Ind 2: "You have my blood on your hands!"
Ind 1: "At least he's not British."

Aditu, vloženo 13:55:50  19. 09. 2014

I do no think we were in the same situation as there were no such economical difficulies awaiting either of us. Even though some Slovaks thought so back in 90's.
Were the poll about splitting Czechoslovakia today, I'd chose"no" and it would be based mainly on, lets say, feeling with a bit of economical background. So the opposite choice I'd made as a Scottish.

Spider, vloženo 12:40:49  19. 09. 2014

if I would have had the chance I would say the same to Slovakians

I am not happy our countries split! We were stronger together

Spider, vloženo 12:39:18  19. 09. 2014


I would also vote no... the economy would fail... they are naive if they think that would work out with their limited resources of oil

Genevieve, vloženo 11:18:59  19. 09. 2014

I would vote no. Eventhough it would be great for them to have independent state they are not ready for it. I think that the welfare of nation is more important than its pride.

Aditu, vloženo 10:23:26  19. 09. 2014

Well, Scottland stays within the United Kingdom at the end of the day. If you were to live in Scottland and vote, what would you chose? Or bettter to say: would you vote based on economical reasons, or national feeling(s)?

Aditu, vloženo 12:42:33  18. 09. 2014

I think I like this guy's sense of humor :D
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Scottish Independence

verlit, vloženo 11:53:18  31. 08. 2014

Longer is not always better ... except sometimes it is :-)

Spider, vloženo 23:51:44  30. 08. 2014

I have seen better in London tube, some add was doing the same with the word potato.

It almost tripled the letter count.

Iwo Olorin, vloženo 08:31:58  30. 08. 2014

verlit, vloženo 21:13:48  25. 08. 2014

That would be real challenge, try to translate this :-)

Neros, vloženo 17:42:36  25. 08. 2014


verlit, vloženo 21:08:35  17. 08. 2014

verlit, vloženo 21:37:07  04. 08. 2014

Když se chybička vloudí...tak se lidi zasmějí!


Fionor, vloženo 19:47:39  24. 07. 2014

Prince Philip and the Queen were dining in one of London's top restaurants.
The waiter comes over and asks what Philip would like to order.
"I'll have two very rare steaks my good fellow."
Waiter: "Does sir mean two bloody steaks?"
Philip: "Yes quite right old chap, two bloody steaks."
Queen: "...and plenty of fucking chips!"

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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Taverna
© Jirka Wetter, jeremius@fantasy-scifi.net
, 2001 - 2005
Design: Rinvit, Jeremius
Na textech se podíleli Pavel Džuban a Toomz
URL: http://fantasy-scifi.net/taverna/taverna.php