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Místnost má od 16:50:20  24. 06. 2003 pronajatou Lampar. Spolusprávce: Nimitz. Klair. Teo.

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Nimitz, vloženo 19:17:42  05. 04. 2015

Historické foto - poprava čtyř konspirátorů na vraždě Abrahama Lincolna

verlit, vloženo 21:28:09  31. 03. 2015

A takhle se znovu setkali:

Nimitz, vloženo 21:09:41  31. 03. 2015

Nimitz, vloženo 21:15:41  30. 03. 2015

Nimitz, vloženo 21:50:18  20. 03. 2015

Harriet Quimby was one of the greatest early female aviators. In 1911, Quimby became the first woman in the country to get her pilot’s license with the Aero Club of America. When she wasn’t busy flying planes recreationally, Harriet Quimby enjoyed quite a successful career in Hollywood by writing screenplays that were turned into silent shorts. Eventually, Quimby decided to embark on an ambitious task: flying across the English channel. No woman had done it before.

She completed flew across on April 16, 1912. She took off from Dover and landed 59 minutes later on a beach near Calais in France. She officially became the first female pilot to fly the Channel, but her feat drew little interest from the media. Why? On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank during its maiden voyage.

Nimitz, vloženo 21:13:07  09. 03. 2015

pohled do historie:
Nová stážistka v Bílém domě. Snad se jí tam bude líbit...

Nimitz, vloženo 18:47:00  08. 03. 2015

Misao Okawa, the World's Oldest Person, Celebrates Her 117th Birthday

Nimitz, vloženo 20:59:14  01. 03. 2015

Nimitz, vloženo 20:58:13  01. 03. 2015

Nimitz, vloženo 20:57:01  01. 03. 2015

Janita, vloženo 17:39:26  01. 03. 2015

Druhý od spodu? Obama?

Aes Sedai, vloženo 23:40:48  28. 02. 2015

Ten čtvrtý od spodu vpravo, kulatší v košili?! :)))

Nimitz, vloženo 20:34:22  27. 02. 2015

Jeden z těchto mládenců je prezidentem USA

Nimitz, vloženo 22:03:53  23. 02. 2015

Pierre Trudeau - kanadský ministerský předseda po dobu 15 let

komu se nechce číst dlouhý článek, tak si může prohlédnout galerii jeho fotek, kvůli které jsem si jeho životopis vyhledal

And then there was Pierre Trudeau

Hetta, vloženo 17:50:45  19. 02. 2015

S tím vousem musel být v tradičním oděvu neodolatelný.

Nimitz, vloženo 21:54:21  18. 02. 2015

The scientist Alexander Graham Bell, one of the inventors of the telephone, was greatly interested in the human voice, and when he discovered the Six Nations Reserve across the river at Onondaga, he learned the Mohawk language and translated its then unwritten vocabulary into Visible Speech symbols. For his work, Bell was awarded the title of Honorary Chief and participated in a ceremony where he donned a Mohawk headdress and danced traditional dances

Nimitz, vloženo 22:24:52  17. 02. 2015

Nimitz, vloženo 18:24:20  15. 02. 2015

Rare Ambrotype Portraits Give Us a Peek into Souls Living During the American Civil War

Nimitz, vloženo 22:09:47  10. 02. 2015

před 25 lety psaly NY Times poprvé o Obamovi

Nimitz, vloženo 21:54:08  08. 02. 2015

Laurence Clifton Jones was an educational innovator who spent his adult life supporting the educational advancement of rural African-American students in the segregated South.

He survived a near-lynching in 1918 by demonstrating to the white mob how passionate he was about his efforts to educate African-American children. The crowd actually ended up collecting money to give to Jones to support his school.

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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Taverna
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, 2001 - 2005
Design: Rinvit, Jeremius
Na textech se podíleli Pavel Džuban a Toomz
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