Dnešní den je poslední den natáčení Hobita, PJ si připravil pro fanoušky krásný dárek a dnes na facebooku celý poslední natáčecí den popisuje, některé poznámky jsou velmi potěšujicí, třeba poznámka o hudbě:
..."The score for Film 2 is going to be terrific. Last year, we were a little frustrated because we had to revisit so many of the LotR themes - The Shire, Rivendell, Galadriel, Gollum, and the Ring - we did this because I'm wanting these 3 Hobbit movies to have great unity with the Rings films in design, wardrobe, story and music, so it meant "An Unexpected Journey" had to acknowledge what had gone before.
But this time around, apart from a couple of Ring moments, it's all new: Beorn, Mirkwood, The Woodland Realm, Laketown, Bard and Smaug all give Howard the chance to write brand new themes, and he's knocking it out of the park!..."
https://www.facebook.com/PeterJacksonNZ |