23. 11. 2024

Doctor Who

Již brzy dodám nějaké vkusné záhlaví, prozatím však postačí, když budete vědět, že tato místnost je taková naše malá TARDIS. Je větší zevnitř a slouží především pro zábavu a poučení.

Nejsem schopen odpovědět každou otázku, která se týká Doktora a dost často se jistě budu i mýlit, ale pokusím se podat pomocnou ruku a hledat informace kde to jen půjde, neváhejte proto přijít s otázkami, návrhy na diskusi nebo se zajímavostmi.

Pokuste se omezit spoilery na minimum. V našem případě to bude velmi těžké, ale tam kde to není bezpodmínečně nutné, neprozrazujte zásadní rozuzlení zápletky. To se v tuto chvíli týká především poslední série DW s Mattem Smithem. Spoléhám na váš zdravý rozum a vzájemnou ohleduplnost.
Kód pro neviditelné písmo: <font color="#706c68">zde napsaný text nebude vidět</font>

This country has been sick, this country needs healing, this country needs medicine - in fact I'd go so far as to say that, what this country really needs, right now, is a Doctor.
Harold Saxon

Místnost má od 22:40:21  28. 11. 2010 pronajatou Fionor. Spolusprávce: Vórima.

Pokud se chcete zapojit do diskuze, musíte se do Taverny nejdříve zaregistrovat nebo přihlásit

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Genevieve, vloženo 16:06:03  15. 12. 2010

Hej, super :-) zpříjemnila jsi mi nudnou přednášku :-D

Dara, vloženo 15:56:00  15. 12. 2010

Nalezeno na deviantartu (sem se nudila v práci)
Může obsahovat spoilery

AA T Doctor Who 101
by ~Luthlaya

Doctor Who 101

1. Bananas are good.
2. Watch out for women named Jackie, they slap. Hard.
3. "Go to your room" are terrible last words.
4. Be silent in The Library.
5. Fear of the dark is NOT irrational.
6. Don't blink, blink and you're dead.
7. Travelling with the Doctor is not safe; however it is the journey of a lifetime.
8. Statues of weeping angles are dangerous.
9. The Doctor is rubbish at weddings, especially his own.
10. The Doctor does not appreciate being called "Doc".
11. The Doctor likes the word fantastic… and brilliant.
12. A strange man in your bedroom does not mean anything can happen.
13. Lots of planets have a north.
14. If you meet an eccentric man who says his name is John Smith, the wise thing would be to get away as fast at you can. It's not the most fun though.
15. The Doctor is good at accents. Rose is not.
16. The Doctor came first in 'Jiggery Pokery'.
17. 'Tainted love' and 'Toxic' are earth classics.
18. 'Toxic' is actually a Ballad.
19. The Doctor can bring down a government with a single word…. Oh, sorry, my mistake: it was six.
20. The Last Human was a trampoline.
21. The Doctor loves a happy medium.
22. The Master never really dies.
23. Neither do the Daleks.
24. The Cybermen are equally resistant, although extermination seems to be effective.
25. "Mickey the Idiot" isn't so much of an idiot after all.
26. The Doctor does not do domestic, unless it's Christmas and Rose asks him to.
27. Remember when the Doctor kissed Martha? That was not a kiss, it was a genetic transfer.
28. Everyone knows who Harriet Jones is, even the Daleks.
29. The Doctor hates hospitals, unless they have a little shop.
30. You gotta love Rose… even the Daleks like her!
31. Cell phones really do interfere with some instruments. Those of a Tula Warship for instance.
32. The Master loves silly songs.
33. The words "You Are Not Alone" can change the world.
34. The Doctor hates guns.
35. Upgrades are not good.
36. Do not try to make the Doctor human, it…. complicates things.
37. Do not make the Doctor angry.
38. Donna is a Supertemp.
39. Never say never ever.
40. Always turn left.
41. Some things are worth getting your heart broken over.
42. Safe and Saved are two very different things.
43. Queen Elizabeth the First does not like the Doctor.
44. Shakespeare flirts a lot.
45. The globe is not actually a globe, it's a tetradecagon.
46. Beware the Ann Droid.
47. People in Doctor Who like to explain how their name is spelled.
48. Lynda with a Y is sweet.
49. People don't vote for sweet (well, people from her time anyway).
50. Captain Jack Harkness naked in front of millions of viewers? Your viewing figures just went up!
51. Sometimes, the Doctor runs out of kindness.
52. Of course a screwdriver should be sonic!
53. Don't buy a gun that requires batteries, they tend to run out at the worst moment possible.
54. The Doctor loves blowing up other people's jobs.
55. The Doctor likes to play Santa.
56. The TARDIS can actually fly!
57. The Doctor failed on his TARDIS-piloting exam.
58. You really don't wanna know where Jack hides his laser guns.
59. Most girls (and guys) don't actually mind when Jack flirts with them, it's just the Doctors prudishness, really.
60. The Doctor can actually dance.
61. Rose really needs a Doctor…
62. Bad Wolf is not a bad thing.
63. You will never actually see the planet Barcelona.
64. The Doctor wants to be ginger.
65. Sadly, he is a bit rude, and not ginger.
66. Rose likes pink.
67. Jack flirts with anything with a postcode.
68. The Doctor is worth the monsters.
69. Do not try to pronounce the word "Raxacoricofallapatorius". You will fail, and the Doctor will laugh at you.
70. Queen Victoria was not amused…. Actually, she was so un-amused, she declared the Doctor and Rose enemies of the crown.
71. The entire British Royal Family are werewolves.
72. Given the right incentive, Jackie Tyler could beat a werewolf.
73. Tin dogs can be very useful.
74. Spare hands are useful, don't throw them away.
75. Playing on people's most basic fears; a clear sign someone is possessed by the devil…. or a good psychologist.
76. Allons-y and Alonso go very well together.
77. 5 million Cybermen? No problem for the Daleks. One Doctor? They'd run screaming… if they had legs.
78. Daleks actually can go up stairs. They can fly, remember?
79. The Doctor likes to say the word "what".
80. He also apologises a lot.
81. The Doctor does not appreciate being called "Martian".
82. They had global warming back in the middle ages.
83. One should never meet ones heroes.
84. Human-Dalek hybrids completely ruin the Daleks' image.
85. Sad = happy for deep people.
86. Time is not a strict progression from cause to effect… it is actually more like a big ball of timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly…. stuff.
87. A paradox created by the Doctor meeting himself could blow a hole in the universe the exact size of Belgium.
88. Jack's Vortex manipulator is a space-hopper, the TARDIS is the sports car of time travel.
89. The Doctors tenth regeneration is kinda cheeky.
90. There is a disturbingly large possibility that Jack is actually the Face of Boe.
91. During WO II there were at least five versions of Captain Jack Harkness present in Great-Britain:
- The Original, whose name Jack stole.
- A Jack working for TORCHWOOD.
- A Jack who meets the Doc and Rose for the first time.
- A Jack in a cryogenic chamber at TW
- A Jack who had accidentally travelled back in time and met the original.
It's a bloody miracle he didn't meet himself!! And kinda sad, really, two Jacks is better than one.
92. The Doctor and Donna are NOT married!
93. Agatha Christie is brilliant!
94. In the Doctor's life, not everything happens chronologically.
95. Nothing is impossible, no matter how many times you say it is.
96. Sorry, can't say: spoilers!
97. T-A-R-D-I-S. It stands for Tethered Aerial Release Developed In Style! NOT!
98. Another regeneration, and you know what? He's still not ginger!
99. Geronimo is a nice word.
100. Generated anomalies are brilliant!
101. One word: RUN!!!!!

Okay, my best friend and I were talking about this little list, and we realised I forgot something very, very, VERY important. So here is rule 101.b:

101.B. Don't wander off!!

Genevieve, vloženo 11:11:28  14. 12. 2010

A horse and a man, above, below

One has a plan but both must go

Mile after mile, above, beneath,

One has a smile and one has teeth

Though the man above might say hello

Expect no love from the Beast below.

Fionor, vloženo 03:25:32  13. 12. 2010

Sikar: Zařazuji do svého vánočního playlistu (který obsahuje povětšinou rockové a metalové vánoční písbě) :)


Mellor, vloženo 22:48:56  12. 12. 2010

Kruté :o) Já chci Daleka pod stromeček.

Sikar, vloženo 21:58:05  12. 12. 2010

Člověk by ani nevěřil, co vše společné s Doktorem se za celé roky objevilo. Dejme tomu tento vánoční singl jedné britské hudební skupiny...

Tinne, vloženo 15:19:37  10. 12. 2010

Koukla jsem z okna, kdeže je ta budka :-)
Už jsem dokoukala i Sarah Jane, takže se těším na Vánoce, a doufám, že někdo udělá bleskově české titulky, ať se můžeme kouknout co nejdříve.

Fionor, vloženo 12:57:02  10. 12. 2010

Vyběhal jsi ven a hledala Doktora, nebo jsi plašila sousedy?

Tinne, vloženo 12:22:00  10. 12. 2010

Víte, že zvuk škrabadla na sníh při čištění zmrzlého chodníku vydává velmi podobné zvuky jako TARDIS? :-)

Mellor, vloženo 22:56:13  09. 12. 2010

A kdo mi po domácku vyrobí TARDIS? :o)

Fionor, vloženo 22:50:57  09. 12. 2010

Domácí výroba? Řeknete si TARDIS a ta Vám ho vyrobí :)

Vórima, vloženo 22:35:24  09. 12. 2010

Fio: jo, tak to budu taky :-)

Dara: Přívěšek jsem měl pár dní u klíčů, ale aby se nepoškodil, tak jsem ho sundal a je doma na poličce.
Na netu jsem někde zahlédl návod na domácí výrobu Doktorova šroubováku :-)
(ale teď to nemůžu najít :-( )

Fionor, vloženo 22:31:11  09. 12. 2010

Vórima: zpětně je budu shánět taky, ale spíš mi šlo o stahování zároveň s novými díly (DWC jde pozdě večer po odvysílání každého dílu)

Dara, vloženo 19:08:34  09. 12. 2010

Jé, plyšák Dartha Vadera... eh, no nic.

Tak Tardis už jsem docela zvládla. (Btw Vorimo, co jsi s nimi udělal?) Na Daleka se chystám asi o Vánocích, to bych mohla mít čas, ale se šroubovákem to asi nepůjde

Vórima, vloženo 16:53:54  09. 12. 2010

Já jsem právě žádný ještě neviděl, ale asi si to budu muset doplnit...třeba při druhém sledování ;-) (jenže nevím, kdy na něj bude čas :-( )

Fionor, vloženo 16:49:32  09. 12. 2010

Vórima: Luxus... DW Confidental musím taky průběžně stahovat a sledovat po každé epizodě

Vórima, vloženo 16:42:58  09. 12. 2010

Připomínka konce 5. série ;-)


Vórima, vloženo 16:06:20  09. 12. 2010

Gen: Nemají šroubovák 10. doktora :-(
Ale zato mají Daleka na dálkové ovládání!

Genevieve, vloženo 15:59:35  09. 12. 2010

Fionor :-)

Fionor, vloženo 09:11:40  09. 12. 2010

Což mi připomíná, že si musím objednat svůj vlastní Sonic Screwdriver... za cca $20 to i jde... (s LED, zvukovým efektem a a funguje i jako propiska :))

potřebuju větší výplatu - http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/collectibles/

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