Tak mě Chesterton zase jednou nachytal na švestkách a ještě k tomu v nedbalkách.
Abych nemusel moc vysvětlovat dám se poslední odstavec jedné krátké eseje, On War Memorials.
"That is why the traditional art is the truly creative art. That is why it is truly more creative than the negative abstractions which tend, of their nature, not merely to anarchy, but to nothingness. And that is why a glimpse of these things encouraged me in my own lifelong belief in particularism, and the tales and traditions of a people. Where there are traditions there are tests; where there are traditions there are tasks and practical problems; but they are always stimulants to the spirit and cunning and imagination of man. They are always more fruitful, in the long run, than the work of those who strike outwards to draw a design of nothing on the dark canvas of night. The Unicorn brings forth Unicorns, and all sorts of new and varied Unicorns, and one of them will be different because it is a stone Unicorn and another because it is a bronze Unicorn. But there are no foals born to the Nightmare."
A ano jde o tu poslední větu. Typický Chesterton hned v několika ohledech, ale kdo to má překládat ;)). Prozatím mě nepadalo nic, než to hrubě a zbaběle zabít "Ale noční můry jsou neplodné." |